2016-11-17: Scnlog v2
Welcome to the Feedback page which serves the same purpose as it did in the old Scnlog and it's the best way to "talk" to the admin. You can make your suggestions, complaints or requests here, preferably in a polite manner. If you are making a request for a scene release make sure it's not too old. Don't ask for re-uploads of stuff that was taken down to DMCA complaints.
Since we are in the beginning, there are probably some errors I didn't notice. I'm mainly interested in releases that are in the wrong categories. If you spot one, please let me know.
2017-11-08: What happened?
Our previous domains and were suspended by the .eu registry and they no longer work nor I have access to them. Please update your bookmarks to the new domain Following this incident a Twitter account was set up so that you can be informed in case something like this happens again. Also the comments on this page were reset.
@klaus : : pass : midoreurovisionqueen
The password is trollisaclownandthewholeworldlaughsathim
Troll, tell me, do you really enjoy helping yourself?
@ Ranu Banu
no my prinzessin midor
You’re late it’s already taken
The midor is on a whirlwind of madness today!
thank you for the masterpiece
@ midor
I’m going out or you’ll spot me
Pathetic troll, why do you think you’re annoying me? I’m dying of laughter with you!
You are my personal jester!
Troll, tell me, do you really enjoy helping yourself?
Mic_Geronimo-Long_Road_Back-2003-SO_INT , thanks
Thanks very much in advance!
You can clearly see for yourself that I am no longer active. STOP SAYIING THAT I AM WHEN I AM NOT DOING IT ANYMORE!
I am asking you for the last time. Please delete my profile! This madness has to stop once and for all.
@ real midor
you are the most active turn around and bend over
@ “REAL” midor
If you want a perma-DEL, then just spam the forums just like you do here.
…or post some Putin hate, and voilà, insta-DEL.
Or just leave. I mean, just realise that the world will not bend for you, no matter how much you try.
What I’m doing is not spam, I’m showing where the troll belongs! Why are you silent about him? Why are you all silent about him? Are you scared? Maybe because this is another nickname of his!
Im affraid of u, coz ur in delirium matey
When you have principles and stand up for them, is that delirium?
i am leaving
This feedback section is really really weird.
@ mi midooor
thanks for the forum
Could you separate Release_Pack_1_NSW-FLY in smaller pack sizes? 5GB or so?
This pack is huge and it only takes 1 link to go down to lose it all…
@holymoly 5 GB packs would mean there would be well over 100 packs.
@midor you can delete your own account now. See
Thank You!
I crashed my hardrive. The old link here i Can’t find and it must be dead by now. But would like to request:
Many many thanks in advance
midor strong
Good luck to you midor bye
sorry for double posting, but I request:
Many thanks in advance
Maybe up to 10GB packs then, with releases sorted alphabetic (A-F, G-K, etc) ?
Even 10 GB is too low, there are over 1000 total releases and around 800 GB to post. It’s sorted by size because the intention was to have the smaller releases in packs and the bigger ones posted individually. But I’m not so sure now, I might post the big ones in packs too.
@ holymoly
and where do you post links, I want to take a look, maybe I’ll choose something for myself
For me packs up to 25GB should suffice.
Anything higher than that will be troublesome.
You can pack a lot of games in 25GB since most of switch games are not that big in size.
Just release the bigger games on packs of 100GB and smaller ones on 25GB!
Troll, don’t you realize you’re a ridiculous pathetic clown? Do you want to be me so much? Do you like? Are you enjoying it?
Italo Brothers – Small-CDM-2009-QMI
search is is great.cheerz all
Would like to REQ
I found the links on pages between 170-180 but they are dead by now.
Please help me and many thanks in advance
thank you so much, you are a savior my friend. great to hear from you again. much much much apprebiated!
And last would like to REQ:
Appreciated, and many thanks in advance
@holymoly too late for that I guess. If you need a specific release(s) you can ask here or in the forum.
The link is dead, would like to request:
and if possible
Many many thanks in advance
@ 43
thank you very much dear friend
You can filter out many FLY releases that the scene has and only post a pack with stuff that wasn’t released by the scene.
God job there, midor. You yourself just served a major troll that likes to use multiple different nicks.
Just check request history of DiRTYSOUTH, then you’ll see.
Would like to REQ:
Many thanks in advance
Hello I Like to REQUEST:
Appreciated and thanks in advance
@real midor
are you crazy what trolls what checks what posts are you really that fucked up
thank you very much midor for fomum
Hi i’d like to request:
Troll, do you watch gay porn you clown? Don’t you realize you’re a ridiculous pathetic clown? Do you want to be me so much? Do you like? Are you enjoying it?
This is a troll! The other is impudence!
@The one and only REAL midor or someone else here please help me with this REQS:
Many thanks in advance
I crashed the HardDrive who housed these releases: My other harddrive has many clean scene releases so please list me some and let’s see what I can help you with.
plz midor
First: I’m not a troll. Second: I’m able to construct a coherent sentence. Trolls don’t do that.
Just look back at the request history, then you will know. At least five different nicks.
He sees the opportunity, because at the moment you’re weak.
First: I didn’t say you’re a troll but about post 53! That is close to common sense what I meant! Second: why do you think I’m weak now? When have I been strong?
I am as I have always been!
Well, you filled requests for, DiRTYSOUTH. Person has had multiple different nicks. So yeah, weak!
Maybe it wasn’t you? Maybe it was a faker? In that case, my bad, and please keep calm and carry.
I was! I just felt sorry for him because if it’s true I know what it is! So at the time I also felt sorry for the troll, because no one pays attention to him with his eternal flac files, until I found out what he really is! However, I’m not convinced that DiRTYSOUTH is a troll! I know it from the dead forum! Looks a bit like Boju but if you have proof please share it like I did!
Hmm… you know there are more than just your pet-project-troll, right?
Want exactly do you want me to share? Nicks? No point in that since you can change it as you go.
Hint: Just look what the person is requesting and how they write their request text.
That there are others is extremely clear, but please provide evidence!
Evidence? Just do a simple search of what I’ve just given you.
The person in question hasn’t even disputed my claims, so it just tells me I’m actually correct.
REQ please:
@meya I could do that, if someone does the filtering work.
Thank you very much for the releases.
Hello again would like to REQ:
Appreciated and thanks in advance
No worry I found the H3X releases but I would like to REQUEST:
Appreciated and many thanks in advance
gone with the end or a change of nickname
troll sissy boy
Could I get a reup on these please?
Hope you all had your fun but comments in this page are now closed.
Use the forum for feedback concerning the site.